Thursday, August 21, 2008


We've known for a while now that Lily feels the new baby is a girl named Sally. She told me that when the baby comes we'll have to get rid of one of the brothers. I informed her that we would not get rid of the brothers, we will just have another new baby. I asked her what would happen if the baby was a boy. She replied," We'll have to get rid of him and get another girl baby." She really does love her brothers, but I think she would really enjoy having another girl around. Yes, she was informed that we would not be " getting rid" of any children. Its funny she would say such a thing, she misses her brothers when they're only gone a couple of hours( at least that's what she tells them).


Jenni said...

That is hilarious! I love her reasoning, let's just send it back mom if it's not what I want! I can see how she would be a bit disappointed, are you guys going to find out the gender this time? I think I may have asked Andrew that already. Love you!

Jenni said...

Oh I forgot to mention that the boys really wanted to name Guenna, Sally when we found out we were having a girl. Or was it Cait, hmmm I can't remember, one of those girls :) Well, if you have another boy, maybe you can still name him Sally?

Andrea said...

We won't have an ultrasound this time around. Its going to be a big suprise. We won't even get the chance to change our mind!

Tamara Watanabe said...

I love this story! When i visit your website i love to read the story again. How are you guys? Look forward to some more posts!